Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 8 2010

Well i got to santa cruz and my flight was crazy when we were in floridda our planes right engine blew up and started spitting out fire. but since there was twenty missionaries on board we landed safely and then had a three hour lay over until they got a new plane. when i got to santa cruz they lost my big bag. so haha that was no fun i stayed in a sweet hotel in santa cruz with my district then we went to meet our comps and the president changed his mind well actually Heavenly father decided that he did not want me to learn spanish so he changed my area to puerto suarez literally right on the border of brazil i am going over into brazil today so i am way stoked to go into two countries. but wow oh wow spanish is crazy they dont speak they just ramble on and on. my area is way sweet the church is pretty small here but we do have a chapel so that is good, and we have like a million investigators but that is just because they love the missionaries and everyone just wants to listen to me talk and make fun of me. we go to this one members house everyday for luch because it is like the only decent place to eat. and they have two little girls who just laugh at me the whole time it is pretty funny i am glad that i have a high self esteem, maybe that is what this summer was for? my apartment is ghettttto i love it, while i am taking a number two it is always really scary because that is when the giant cocroaches come out and try to get me, i´m talking giant like not normal, so that is probably the worst thing about this place so far. the first two days were really tough because i cant talk to anyone not even my comp he is from bolivia la paz and i am his last comp before he goes home so we are working realy hard we walk ridiculous amounts in the heat like it is so hot here i am constantly sweating constantly. the worst is at night i feel like a dying horse because i am to scared to sleep on top of my covers because of the ginormous insects so i wrap myself in my blanket and go crazy with the deet around my bed.... i think i have broken just about every rule they told me not to do. my first day we were at a members house and they offer me milk and rice called lechea or something and i am not suppose to take it but i did i dont know how to say no then they told me dont drink the water but it is a million degrees so i definltley been pounding the water.. i love this place it is really tough and the people are so nice but they are not good at keeping commitments like you tell them to read and they just say ok ok then you come back and you ask them and they say yes i read then you say how was it.. oh yo no recuerdo.. they always say that. so we read alot during are lessons my comp is a bomb teacher he is was good. i really want to get spanish fast so i can learn portugesse because pretty much everyone here speaks both and they all say portugese is really easy. so pretty much it has been crazy since i got here the people drive crazy and i am the only gringo in the whole city so they all no me and know i can talk so it is pretty funny. i think the only way i could stick out more is if i was a foot taller i am just pure gringo. when we go to peoples houses which are not houses at all. as soon as they see me they get a big smile and say hello in engliish it is pretty funnny then they start talking how white i am and all sorts of stuff... my first night we went by marcell casa to meet him and we were talking to him and he had been drinking and so it was even harder to understand what he was saying but all the sudden i was talking to him he was cryin then i stood up and said quiro braso and we hugged i dont know why he was just crying it was really cool so i know the gift of tongues is real and i know god guides us in all we do i love this gospel, i know it is true or i would not be here because the insects are nasty. anyway i lvoe ya family chow.
ELder Olsen 4

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