Tuesday, November 30, 2010

29 Nov 2010

Well bolivia is crazy that is about all their is to it is is crazy i cant get over how insane it is every morning i wake up and i am just like dying of sweat and thinking where am i... oh yeah i am in bolivia.. anyway sorry mom but there is no way i could send an email like jaron. i am way upset i totally forgot to do something so important. i was in the airport picking up my comp and i saw three white people!!! it was crazy so i ran over to talk to them and they were from germany!! they knew english but not spanish and were here for some logging company we talked a little bit about why i was in bolivia and what i was doing, i invited him to find elder thorley or elder tanner in germany haha i just told him i had two friends in his city. and when you got there to look up the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and i gave him a restoration pamphlet... in spanish, i did not have anything else... anyway i look back now i should have gotten his address and sent it to jaron.. anyway it sounds like he is doing really good. how is everyone else doing??
I almost forgot i found jeff in bolivia his name is franky i love that kid i sent a picture of me and him, he is 15 and look at the way he is standing in the picture, just like jeff everything is the same, we were tracting with him and he ran up to talk to some girls, and everything was the same the girl was like franky!! he ran up but by the end of the conversation the girls was slapping his arms and getting kinda mad at him.... i was laughing so hard i could not help but remember hanging out with jeff and how many times i have seen that with different girls ha.

Anyway more important matters i have decided i dont want to baptize, i want to convert there is so many inactive members here we spend half of the day visiting with them, going house to house, they all say the same thing i love the missionary that baptized me.. i dont want that i want to baptize someone that is going to strengthen the kingdom of God not slow it down. we spend alot of time with the young men in my rama they are all sweet hearted but have a hard time there is alot of problems around here and it is hard for them to stay strong.. But i love tracting with them, when they bear testimony it is really powerful they really have a testimony of this gospel, and more importantly jesus christ.. I try to teach that in every lesson every contact, how important it is for us to have faith in Jesus Christ, and what is faith? no one here really knows what faith is, they all say there prayers and that is about it,every time i start talking about jesus christ they cut in.. oh i love jesus he is my savior he is my light he is my life. but they do not really know Who Jesus Christ is. this is so important. Do we know who our saviour is in our lives? once we know who our saviour is that is when we start to change, that is when we start to really become children of god, i want everyone today to think about who is Jesus Christ in your life?
anyway i love being a missionary last night we tracted in the rain for 3 hours like crazy my comp wanted to go back to the house, no one was home, my book of mormon is soacked. but i loved every second of it, that is what being a missionary is for me, when everyone else goes in because of the rain.. the heat... the bugs... that is when we push forward and with a steadfastness in Christ declare repentance unto the people that is why i am here. and nothing is ever wasted. we spent 2 1/2 hours getting rejected or no one was home but the last house a new member that is not very strong in the church, we talked with her for probably fourty five minutes just about the atonement she shared what the atonement was in her life it was very spiritual and it made the whole night just great.
i am doing good, i love being here we have 2 dates, and lots of new investigators Eric is great he is only there two days a week and every two weeks he leaves for two weeks to work, he works alot, and has a big problem with drinking. we talked with him yesterday and he said he was going to stop drinking and he wanted to change his life.
anyway gotta go love ya.
Elder Olsen

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