Tuesday, April 19, 2011

18 Apr 2011

Wow i can honestly say i have never felt my life pass by so fast it is so strange to think how long i have been in bolivia and how much has changed in my life, my prioties. everything. but first off i had not read a bunch of your emails because i did not know where they were, but i just read a couple of them, and tyler i dont think you could go into the marines, it really just is not a good place to have a family, and the air force i really do not know i have been thinking about going to school after and trying to be an officer, but ultimetly (i cant spell in english anymore) my goal is to be a pilot, that is something i would just love to do, but si o si you have to go officer if you want it good. dont let them trick ya or anything study first and after you can join, that is something i wish would have done, dont take me wrong i honestly believe if i did not go, i would probably not be on the mission so it was obviously a step Heavenly Father put in my life to help me grow and prepare me for something bigger. the mission is the same every thing that happens is a test, it is a trial of our faith, so we can learn and grow and in the end become more like our lord and saviour.

so yesterday we had two baptisms, they were good mario is a way good young man he is way small but he is 19, and he is prepping for the mission. he is watching his six younger siblings the parents live in different parts but yeah we are prepping them for baptism also looks like 7 of may,, the other is a inactive daughter we have been teaching them for two three weeks and solo needed someno to visit them to invite them to churhc again.
this week we had to do a ton of stuff for the zone the president is going to open some areas here and we had to find a house, a pension. and just about everything took away about a solid day of proslyting i was pretty upset. also we have to go to santa cruz, to buy a bunch of furniture and prepare for the transfters which are this wednesday,thursday. so i am pretty stoked to participate in my first transfer i have heard they are pretty crazy.

Yesterday we went on intercambios with 2 young men and i got a referencia from a member she told me she was super intrested and wanted to come to church, i asked when we could contact her and she told me only is there in the middle of the day so i put an appoitment for today(preparation day) and when i got back to the house told my comp he got way upset, started trying to use the manual missional to explain we cant teach on monday, and i just lost it. nothing makes me more upset than whiners, complainers that just hits me in the very soul, we got into an arguement, he ended up calling the assistents to ask, and ofcourse they said claro que si. after that he calls the president, and by then i was just fuming, and i always have a hard time talking when i am mad, if i am not screaming, well it is even more difficult in spanish. the presindent talked to him for a solid five minutes after he passed me the phone and i explained it was a reference and it is only one appoitment, he just told me elder you can do that but, you have to have unity in the companionship, both of them have to be in agreement. he told me it would be better to go a different day. but in the future just be in agreement with your comp., i agreed we definetly had the spirit of contention with us and it is not good. other than that i asked him if this next transfer we could have a zone activity where we go to a plaza and sing and just do contacts,(i remember tyler doing something like that) but he said yeah it is all good. so this next week or so we are going to have that, i am pretty stokedthey need something to cheer them up, do something a little different, we have a couple companions that are really struggling. if there is any other ideas i will accept with arms wide open.

Other than that life is great i am loving the mission. tyler is getting married and his fiance has not written me, i expect a two page letter from the two of them, i did not hear from yall this week, hope everything is all good. How is all my budies, coop, jeff, corey, clint, i pray for them daily. and i pray for my family evey second i love you all your my motivation and my strenght with out you i would be lost.

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